Impressive destination unlike enormous

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ex-captive peninsula snout amazing center establish

1. Although Butet has never taken any private English course, she could speak English very fluently with a foreigner who visited my school yesterday. Everybody at my school admires Butet’s _____________ English.
2. ____________ her sister who likes outdoor activities, Ni Luh likes to stay at home reading her favorite books.
3. Bali has been the most popular tourist __________ for years, but Indonesia has many other beautiful places to offer to international visitors.
4. The local government needs to ____________ an information center to attract more tourists to visit Indonesia.
5. The _____________ dancers are dancing energetically to show some of the beautiful cultures of Indonesia.
6. In the morning, thousands of people go to the same direction to the ___________ of the city to work and that creates a long traffic jam every day.
7. When people hear the words Tanjung Kodok, they may associate the name with a _______________ like Tanjung Puting National Park.
8. ______________ orang utans may not be afraid of meeting with humans because they used to live with them as illegal pets.
9. I always appreciate the strength ants have because although they are very small they can carry ________ load of food.
10. Their unusually large _______ differentiates proboscis monkeys from other monkeys.
11. We may not keep endangered animals that are protected by the law as our pet. If we have one, we should send it to _____________ site where it can live in a more natural habitat.

Impressive destination unlike enormous

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. impressive
2. Unlike
3. destination
4. establish
5. amazing
6. center
7. peninsula
8. Ex-captive
9. enormous
10. snout
11. ex-captive