In the morning,I usually wake up at 6 o’clock I do physical exercise for 5 minutes so I don’t feel sleepy.when I have morning class,I have a shower immediately.then I go to campus by motor cycle.sometimes,I pick up my friend then we go to gether.on the way to campus,we buy and eat breakfast at one food stand near campus.we chat a long the way about many things.we lobe talking about funy thinns.we laugh and feel really happy.while waiting for a next class,a go to my friend’s house.sometimes I wait in campus while doing some tasks.joining some organizations at campus make me quite busy but still happy.I need to manage my time very well so I can set up priority.I always try to finish all tasks before due date I usually go home at 3 o’clock and take a rest.I hang out with my friends in the evening then have dinner together.finally,I go to bed at 11 to 12 p.m.when all tasks are finished.terjemahkan kebahasa indonesia

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In the morning,I usually wake up at 6 o’clock I do physical exercise for 5 minutes so I don’t feel sleepy.when I have morning class,I have a shower immediately.then I go to campus by motor cycle.sometimes,I pick up my friend then we go to gether.on the way to campus,we buy and eat breakfast at one food stand near campus.we chat a long the way about many things.we lobe talking about funy thinns.we laugh and feel really happy.while waiting for a next class,a go to my friend’s house.sometimes I wait in campus while doing some tasks.joining some organizations at campus make me quite busy but still happy.I need to manage my time very well so I can set up priority.I always try to finish all tasks before due date I usually go home at 3 o’clock and take a rest.I hang out with my friends in the evening then have dinner together.finally,I go to bed at 11 to 12 p.m.when all tasks are finished.terjemahkan kebahasa indonesia


Bantu jawab:


Di pagi hari,saya selalu bangun pada jam 6 pagi. Lalu saya berolahraga selama 5 menit, jadi saya tidak langsung tidur lagi. Lalu saya pergi ke kampus dengan sepeda motor. Terkadang,saya mengajak teman saya untuk berangkat bersama. Saat di perjalanan menuju ke kampus,Saya mengobrol dengan teman saya tentang hal hal yang lucu. Kita pun tertawa dan sangat merasa senang. Sambil menunggu kelas selanjutnya, teman saya pulang kerumah nya sebentar. Selagi menunggu, saya berada di kampus sambil mengerjakan tugas. Lalu kami mengikuti suatu organisasi di kampus yg membuat kami sangat sibuk tetapi, kita tetap merasa bahagia. Kami perlu mengatur waktu dengan sangat baik agar dapat mengatur prioritas. Saya selalu mencoba untuk menyelesaikan semua tugas sebelum batas waktu. Saya selalu pulang ke rumah tepat jam 3 sore dan beristirahat. Saya selalu mengobrol dengan teman saya di sore hari dan makan bersama. Akhirnya,kami beristirahat kembali pada jam 11 malam sampai jam 12 malam saat kita sudah menyelesaikan semua tugas.

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalo kurang tepat terjemahan nya.Karena saya,masih belajar bahasa Inggris ^^