In your opinion, what is the role of the teacher under the pillar of learning to live together?​

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In your opinion, what is the role of the teacher under the pillar of learning to live together?​


The four pillar is learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, and learning to be.

— 1. The role of the teacher under "Learning to Know" is to be facilitator, catalyst, monitor, and evaluator of learning because the process of learning to think is a lifelong one and can be enhance by every kind of human experience.

— 2. The role of the teacher under "Learning to do" is putting knowledge and learning into practice innovatively through Skill development, practical know-how, development of competence, life skills, personal qualities, aptitudes and attitudes.

— 3. The role of the teacher under "Learning to live together" is learning to live together in peace and harmony is a dynamic, holistic and lifealong process through which are internalized and practised.

— 4. The role of the teacher under "Learning to be" is the all-round development of the whole person, to fulfill his/her highest potential, and be able to think, decide and act independently-the source of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.