Individual Work Read the text below, then answer the questions! There is a canteen in our school. It is a big canteen. This canteen lies in the corner of schoolyard, near the library. It sells many kinds of food, such as breads, cakes cookies, noodles, and meatballs. There are also many kinds of drink, such as iced tea, milkshake, orange juice, and soft drink. The students always go to the canteen at the break time. They buy food and drinks. I also go to the canteen at the break time to buy a slice of cake and a glass of orange juice. Those are my favorite food and drink. artinya dalam bahasa indonesia​

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Individual Work Read the text below, then answer the questions! There is a canteen in our school. It is a big canteen. This canteen lies in the corner of schoolyard, near the library. It sells many kinds of food, such as breads, cakes cookies, noodles, and meatballs. There are also many kinds of drink, such as iced tea, milkshake, orange juice, and soft drink. The students always go to the canteen at the break time. They buy food and drinks. I also go to the canteen at the break time to buy a slice of cake and a glass of orange juice. Those are my favorite food and drink. artinya dalam bahasa indonesia​


Ada kantin di sekolah kita, itu adalah kantin yang besar canteen ini terletak di pojok lapangan sekolah, dekat perpustalaan. kantin itu menjual banyak jenis makanan, termasuk roti, kue, kue kering, mie dan bakso. Disana juga menjual berbagai banyak jenis minuman, termasuk es teh, milkshake, jus jeruk, dan minuman ringan. Para murid selalu pergi ke kantin saat jam istirahat. mereka membeli makanan dan minuman. Aku juga sering pergi ke kantin saat jam istirahat untuk membeli kue slice dan 1 gelas jus jeruk, itu adalah makanan dan minuman favoritku.

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Pekerjaan Individu Bacalah teks di bawah ini,

kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya!

Ada kantin di sekolah kami. Ini adalah kantin besar. Kantin ini terletak di pojok halaman sekolah, dekat perpustakaan.Menjual berbagai macam makanan, seperti roti, kue kering, mie, dan bakso. Minumannya juga banyak macamnya, seperti es teh, milkshake, jus jeruk, dan soft drink. Para siswa selalu pergi ke kantin pada waktu istirahat. Mereka membeli makanan dan minuman. Saya juga pergi ke kantin pada waktu istirahat untuk membeli sepotong kue dan segelas jus jeruk. Itu adalah makanan dan minuman favorit saya.