Indonesia and chinese conflict of natunanatuna is legally belonging to indonesia based on the international law of the 1982 united nations convention on the law of the sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. it stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles (nmi) from its coast. in colloquial usage, the term may include the continental shelf. however, chinese says it has nearby fishing rights within a self-proclaimed nine-dash line that includes most of the south china sea – a claim that is not recognized internationally. china claims most of the south china sea; a global trade route with rich fishing grounds and energy reserves, based on what it says is its historic activity. but southeast asian countries, supported by the united states and much of the rest of the world, say such claims have no legal basis.tension between indonesia and chinese to appear due to the fisherman of chinese entering the territory of indonesia is forced to leave the by the indonesian naval and the indonesian airforce and maritime security board (bakamla).on wednesday, chinese foreign ministry spokesman geng shuang said beijing and jakarta are in contact through diplomatic channels. “we wish to, with indonesia, continue to appropriately deal with differences and uphold peace and stability in bilateral relations and the region,” shuang said.pick up any 10 words on the passage above and determine it “part of speech”.make 3 forms of sentence (affirmative, negative, & interrogative) from underlined verbs.(essay) give your point of view about why students now days should know how to speak english and how can you achieve it? briefly.

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Indonesia and chinese conflict of natunanatuna is legally belonging to indonesia based on the international law of the 1982 united nations convention on the law of the sea over which a state has special rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. it stretches from the baseline out to 200 nautical miles (nmi) from its coast. in colloquial usage, the term may include the continental shelf. however, chinese says it has nearby fishing rights within a self-proclaimed nine-dash line that includes most of the south china sea – a claim that is not recognized internationally. china claims most of the south china sea; a global trade route with rich fishing grounds and energy reserves, based on what it says is its historic activity. but southeast asian countries, supported by the united states and much of the rest of the world, say such claims have no legal basis.tension between indonesia and chinese to appear due to the fisherman of chinese entering the territory of indonesia is forced to leave the by the indonesian naval and the indonesian airforce and maritime security board (bakamla).on wednesday, chinese foreign ministry spokesman geng shuang said beijing and jakarta are in contact through diplomatic channels. “we wish to, with indonesia, continue to appropriately deal with differences and uphold peace and stability in bilateral relations and the region,” shuang said.pick up any 10 words on the passage above and determine it “part of speech”.make 3 forms of sentence (affirmative, negative, & interrogative) from underlined verbs.(essay) give your point of view about why students now days should know how to speak english and how can you achieve it? briefly.

Konflik natunanatuna Indonesia dan Cina secara hukum adalah milik Indonesia berdasarkan hukum internasional konvensi PBB tahun 1982 tentang hukum laut dimana suatu negara memiliki hak khusus mengenai eksplorasi dan penggunaan sumber daya laut, termasuk produksi energi dari air dan angin. terbentang dari garis pangkal hingga 200 mil laut (nmi) dari pantainya. dalam penggunaan sehari-hari, istilah ini dapat mencakup landas kontinen. namun, Cina mengatakan mereka memiliki hak penangkapan ikan terdekat di dalam sembilan garis putus-putus yang memproklamirkan diri yang mencakup sebagian besar laut Cina selatan – sebuah klaim yang tidak diakui secara internasional. cina mengklaim sebagian besar laut cina selatan; rute perdagangan global dengan daerah penangkapan ikan yang kaya dan cadangan energi, berdasarkan apa yang dikatakan sebagai aktivitas bersejarahnya. tetapi negara-negara Asia Tenggara, yang didukung oleh Amerika Serikat dan sebagian besar dunia, mengatakan klaim tersebut tidak memiliki dasar hukum. Ketegangan antara Indonesia dan Cina muncul karena nelayan Cina yang memasuki wilayah Indonesia terpaksa meninggalkan Indonesia. oleh angkatan laut indonesia dan angkatan udara indonesia dan dewan keamanan maritim (bakamla).pada hari rabu, juru bicara kementerian luar negeri cina geng shuang mengatakan beijing dan jakarta berhubungan melalui saluran diplomatik. "Kami ingin, bersama Indonesia, terus menangani perbedaan dengan tepat dan menegakkan perdamaian dan stabilitas dalam hubungan bilateral dan kawasan," kata shuang. ambil 10 kata pada bagian di atas dan tentukan itu "bagian dari pidato".make 3 bentuk kalimat (afirmatif, negatif, & interogatif) dari kata kerja yang digarisbawahi.(esai) memberikan sudut pandang Anda tentang mengapa siswa sekarang harus tahu bagaimana berbicara bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana Anda bisa mencapainya? secara singkat.