INFLUENZA Have you ever suffered from influenza or the flu? The flu is a contagious illness that is caused by viruses, and it may sometimes even lead to the death. The flu usually starts suddenly and may include these symptoms: fever (usually high), headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, abd muscle aches: diarrhea and vomiting can also occur. There are things you can do to prevent the flu. First, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time you sneeze. Do not forget to throw the tissue away after you use it. Second, frequently wash your hands with soap, especially after you cough or sneeze. Third, try not to touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. Germs are usually spread this way. Fourth, stay away from people if possible. When you get the flu, stay at home. Do not go to school because other people can get sick, too.What should you do if you have the flu? Eat chicken soup! Chicken soup has been proven to relieve some of the symptoms related with the flu. For a sore throat, drink either hot fluids or try cool stuff, like popsicles or ice cream. Finally, get some rest. Wait a day after your temperature is normal before going back to schoolIn English speaking countries, people often get a flu shot before the flu season begins. The flu shot helps them be immune to the viruses that cause the flu

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INFLUENZA Have you ever suffered from influenza or the flu? The flu is a contagious illness that is caused by viruses, and it may sometimes even lead to the death. The flu usually starts suddenly and may include these symptoms: fever (usually high), headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, abd muscle aches: diarrhea and vomiting can also occur. There are things you can do to prevent the flu. First, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue every time you sneeze. Do not forget to throw the tissue away after you use it. Second, frequently wash your hands with soap, especially after you cough or sneeze. Third, try not to touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. Germs are usually spread this way. Fourth, stay away from people if possible. When you get the flu, stay at home. Do not go to school because other people can get sick, too.What should you do if you have the flu? Eat chicken soup! Chicken soup has been proven to relieve some of the symptoms related with the flu. For a sore throat, drink either hot fluids or try cool stuff, like popsicles or ice cream. Finally, get some rest. Wait a day after your temperature is normal before going back to schoolIn English speaking countries, people often get a flu shot before the flu season begins. The flu shot helps them be immune to the viruses that cause the flu


INFLUENZA Pernahkah Anda menderita influenza atau flu? Flu adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus, dan kadang-kadang bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Flu biasanya mulai tiba-tiba dan mungkin termasuk gejala-gejala ini: demam (biasanya tinggi), sakit kepala, batuk, sakit tenggorokan, pilek atau hidung tersumbat, sakit otot perut: diare dan muntah juga dapat terjadi. Ada hal yang bisa Anda lakukan untuk mencegah flu. Pertama, tutup mulut dan hidung Anda dengan tisu setiap kali Anda bersin. Jangan lupa membuang tisu setelah Anda menggunakannya. Kedua, sering-seringlah mencuci tangan dengan sabun, terutama setelah batuk atau bersin. Ketiga, cobalah untuk tidak menyentuh hidung, mata, atau mulut Anda. Kuman biasanya menyebar dengan cara ini. Keempat, menjauhlah dari orang jika memungkinkan. Ketika Anda terserang flu, tinggal di rumah. Jangan pergi ke sekolah karena orang lain juga bisa sakit. Apa yang harus Anda lakukan jika Anda terserang flu? Makan sup ayam! Sup ayam telah terbukti meringankan beberapa gejala yang berkaitan dengan flu. Untuk sakit tenggorokan, minumlah cairan panas atau coba makanan dingin, seperti es loli atau es krim. Akhirnya, istirahatlah. Tunggu sehari setelah suhu tubuh Anda normal sebelum kembali ke sekolah. Di negara-negara berbahasa Inggris, orang sering mendapat suntikan flu sebelum musim flu dimulai. Vaksin flu membantu mereka kebal terhadap virus penyebab flu