It is a (29) … to read your letter and to know about the music program at your university. I’ll be (30) … to go with you. My bus (31) … be at your school at 4 o’clock on Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d like you … me at the bus station. See you on Saturday.

Posted on

It is a (29) … to read your letter and to know about the music program at your university. I’ll be (30) … to go with you. My bus (31) … be at your school at 4 o’clock on Saturday. If you don’t mind, I’d like you … me at the bus station. See you on Saturday.


It is a (29) PRIVILEGE to read your letter and to know about the music program at your university. I'll be (30) HAPPY to go with you. My bus (31) WILL be at your school at 4 o'clock on Saturday. If you don't mind, I'd like you TO MEET me at the bus station. See you on Saturday.


It is a privilege (keuntungan)to read your letter and to know about the music program at your university. : Adalah sebuah keuntungan untuk dapat membaca surat anda dan mengetahui mengenai program musik di universitas anda.

I'll be happy to go with you: saya bersedia dan senang menemani anda.

My bus will be at your school at 4 o'clock on saturday: Bus saya akan hadir di sekolah anda jam 4 sore di hari sabtu.

If you don't mind, I'd like you to meet me at the bus station: Jika anda tidak keberatan, saya ingin anda bertemu saya di stasiun bus.

# Maaf kalo ada yang salah. Semoga jawabannya benar dan bermanfaat.