It was januari 11th 2000 i had no idea that iwould meet the best novelis or author of mine in UK i was so lucky i meet her there .it happened when i stood in from the big bang building while waiting my mum picked my up and then a woman stood next to me. her face looked very familiar but it took tims for me to recognize her.and then ,,,,,, when i looked at her face twice i realized that “oh my god she is jk rowling ” after that i told her that i’m her biggest fan from indonesia.i was sobexcited i asked her for signing my jacket.i also asked her for phobe numberbecause i wanted to ask her about to make great stories like shi did.she gave her phone numberto me.what a kind person seriously it was the best moment i ever had.

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pertanyaannya ini ka tolong di jawab yaaa ,,,,,,,,23_27
23 what kin of the text is,,
a:narative. b:report c: recaunt d:descriptive e:review
24 what did the writer do in front of big bang building
a she waited for her mom,,,b she waited for the bus ,,c she just stood there doing nothing d: she wanted to meet her friend e :she had an appointment with someone
25 when did the experience happend a: it happended on january 8th b it happened on january 9th c it happened on january 10th d it happened on january 11th e it happened on january 12 th
26 the orientation of the text above is
a the event happened on january 11th b she waited in front of the big bang building c woman was standing next to her writer d the writer asked her for autograph e she was a famous novelist
27 when did the writer realize that she was afamous novelist

It was januari 11th 2000 i had no idea that iwould meet the best novelis or author of mine in UK i was so lucky i meet her there .it happened when i stood in from the big bang building while waiting my mum picked my up and then a woman stood next to me. her face looked very familiar but it took tims for me to recognize her.and then ,,,,,, when i looked at her face twice i realized that “oh my god she is jk rowling ” after that i told her that i’m her biggest fan from indonesia.i was sobexcited i asked her for signing my jacket.i also asked her for phobe numberbecause i wanted to ask her about to make great stories like shi did.she gave her phone numberto me.what a kind person seriously it was the best moment i ever had.


23) C. Recount text

24) A. She waited for her mom

25) D. It happened on January 11 th

26) A. The event happened on January 11 th

27) The writer realized when she/he looked at JK Rowling face twice.