soal=they have english one week
who have english once a week
what do they have once week
how many time do they have english
jawabannya ada 3
tolong jawab no 1-7sesuai dengan jawaban soal diatas
Itu kan present simple dan present lain nya nah itu dibuat questin
1.when do they do their homework?
2.who come to the party alone?
3.where is the car?
4.which blouse do you like?
5.how does she feel?
6.what book is this?
7.when do your sister call her boyfriend?
Kayak gini?maaf kalau salah
1.When they do their homework?
2.Who came to the party alone?
3.where is the car?
4. [yang ini kurang tau yah…]
5. [yang ini kurang tau yah…]
6.What is that?
7.when did my sister called her
boyfriend? [klo gk salah]