Jawab dengan cara dan penjelasan!!​

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Jawab dengan cara dan penjelasan!!​

Jawab dengan cara dan penjelasan!!​

displaystyle{small{boxed{tt lim_{x to infty} sqrt{{12x}^{2} + 5x - 8} - sqrt{(3x + 2)(4x - 5)} = sqrt{3}}}}



displaystyle rm lim_{x to infty} sqrt{{12x}^{2} + 5x - 8} - sqrt{(3x + 2)(4x - 5)}

sf= frac{12 + 0}{ sqrt{12 + 5 times 0 - 8 times 0} + sqrt{12 - 7 times 0 - 10 times 0} }

sf= frac{12 + 0}{ sqrt{12 + 0 - 0} + sqrt{12 - 0 - 0} }

sf= frac{12}{ sqrt{12} + sqrt{12} }

sf= frac{12}{2 sqrt{3} + 2 sqrt{3} }

 = frac{12}{4 sqrt{3} }

 sf= frac{3}{ sqrt{3} }

 sf= sqrt{3}

 displaystylelim_{x to infty } sqrt{a {x}^{2} + bx + c } - sqrt{p {x}^{2} + qx + r }

untuk a = p, berlaku

b – q/2√a


 = small displaystylelim_{x to infty } sqrt{12{x}^{2} + 5x - 8 } - sqrt{(3x + 2)(4x - 5)}

 = small displaystylelim_{x to infty } sqrt{12{x}^{2} + 5x - 8 } - sqrt{ {12x}^{2} - 7x - 10 }


  • a = 12
  • b = 5
  • q = -7

= b – q/2√a

= (5 – (-7)/2√12

= 12/2√12

= 6/√12

= 6/2√3

= 3/√3

= 3√3/3

= √3