Jawab dengan jujur dan benar kalau kau sembarangan jawab kan kureport kau
1. THX=thanks
2. LOL=laugh out loud
3. CU =see you
4. B4 =before
5. OMG =oh, my god! / gosh!
6. BRB =be right back
7. IU2U =it's up to you
8. BTW =by the way
Lead In
Sometimes people tend to shorten their messages to convey them as soon as possible. Including you (yes, you the threatener).
1. Thanks
2. Laugh out loud.
3. See you.
4. Before
5. Oh my god.
6. Be right back.
7. It's up to you.
8. By the way.
I mean the answers are in the table, right?