Jawablah soal soal berikut:

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1.My mother is a kind woman…..loves….. And i love….. Too.
2.Mr. Hardi is our english teacher…..is tall and……. Hair is straight.
3.The students are gathering in the playground…… Are all waiting for…… Teacher.
4.My grandparents and I live in bandung….. Live in….. Small house there

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Jawablah soal soal berikut:


1.My mother is a kind woman she loves me And i love her Too.

2.Mr. Hardi is our english teacher he is tall and his Hair is straight.

3.The students are gathering in the playground they Are all waiting for their Teacher.

4.My grandparents and I live in bandung we Live in our Small house there

maaf kalo salah ya kak karna aku baru kelas 6 hehehe..