Jelas kan pengertian

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TEXT: recont
news item
Active voice|pasive voice
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Jelas kan pengertian

Recount: menceritakan pengalaman kita yg lampau. ex: yesterday, me and my family went to the beach…
narrative: menceritakan crita fiksi lampau. ex: in a long time ago, there was a king and his daughter…
procedure: menjelaskan cara mmbuat atau mengerjakan sesuatu. ex: first, open the top of the bottle..then…
description: menjelaskan scra rinci sesuatu benda bserta kegunaannya. ex: this is a pen. we can use it for write on the paper..
news item: mnjelaskan ttg sebuah berita atau pengumuman. ex: we are open a reqruitment for working in our company..
invitation: mengundang utk acara.ex: i invite u to come to my birthday party.
active voice: kalimat aktif. ex: i read a book.
passive voice: kalimat pasif. ex: the book is read by me.