Ka tolong jawab semua ya

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1.identify structure of the letter above! Main ideas
Paragraph 1 main ideas:
paragraph 2 main ideas:
paragrap 3:
paragraph 4:
paragraph 5:
2.what does the writer tell in the body of the letter?
3.what expression does the writer use to introduce her name?
4.what does the writer want desti to do?

Ka tolong jawab semua ya

Ka tolong jawab semua ya

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. Main ideas.

You can find a paragraph main ideas either at the beginning or at the end of the paragraph. But in some paragraphs, the main ideas are located both at the beginning and at the end of the paragraph. Let's take a look!

– Paragraph 1: The main idea of this paragraph is greeting. This paragraph is the very 1st paragraph of the letter so it's the opening of the letter itself.

– Paragraph 2: It's the first body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 2 is to introduce the writer. There are name, age, job, and address. The objective of this paragraph is to give the receiver an idea of who's sending the letter.

– Paragraph 3: It's the second body of the letter. The main idea of this paragraph is to introduce family members who live with the writer.

– Paragraph 4: It's the third body of the letter. The main idea of paragraph 4 is to tell the receiver more about the writer's self and to remind the receiver where they've met before. The writer thinks that they have the same hobby because they met at a dance competition.

– Paragraph 5: Paragraph 5 is the closing paragraph of this letter. The main idea of this paragraph is the writer's request of the receiver's reply about her self.

2. The writer introduce herself, her family members, and also her hobby in the body of the letter.

3. The expression she uses to introduce herself is a formal introduction expression. She says 'My name is Vera Anjani'.

4. Vera wants to know about Desti and her family so she wants Desti to reply the letter. If possible, Vera also wants Desti to include her phone number because she wants to call Desti.

I hope it helps!

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Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Miscellaneous