Kak minta tolong kerjain dari no 35-39#jangan asal2an ya
Subject : English
Category : Reading
Level : JHS
35. B
Line 3 : Low temperature and […]
36. D
P.S. Don't litter […] get a warning […]
37. B
Para 2 Line 1-3 : The new cafeteria has an honest box […]. The students pay their purchases into the box.
38. B
Para 2 Line 3-4 : […] to teach honesty to the students.
39. D
Para 1 Line 1
Subject: English
Category: Reading
Sub Category: Pilihan Ganda
35. B. The destination is cold (pakaian tebal itu selalu identik dengan tempat dingin)
36. B. They must clean the garbage (pengalaman pribadi ikut Pencinta Alam, jika membuang sampah sembarangan maka selain dinasehati juga wajib membersihkan tempat sampah)
37. B. In the honest box (clue: paragraph two line three)
38. B. To train honesty to students (clue: paragraph two line four)
39. D. The school has new cafetaria (clue: paragraph one line one)
Good Luck