Kak mohon dibantu yaa, bahasa Inggris kelas 10​

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Kak mohon dibantu yaa, bahasa Inggris kelas 10​

Kak mohon dibantu yaa, bahasa Inggris kelas 10​


A. I am happy. I have many friends even though i don't have a large family. I have one sister. She is older than me. I go to Nusantara Vocational School. I am in the tenth grade. I like my teachers. I have friends in every class. My favorite class is English because i don't want to be left behind in the global world. i learn computer skills as well. My best friend is Bobby. Bobby and i do many things together. We swim together. We study together. But we don't take the same bus home. Bobby is an excellent swimmer. I am impressed by the way he handles his speed and breath. I am proud to have him as a best friend. Life is great.

B. Megan is a very active person and she always looks fit. She is mad about tennis. She practices a lot and she is a fantastic player. I don't play beacuse i am terrible at sports, but i love to see her playing tennis. I go to the sports club to watch her. I am lazy, so i don't exercise a lot.