Kak plz jawab pertanyaan ini plz kak :)​

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Kak plz jawab pertanyaan ini plz kak :)​

Kak plz jawab pertanyaan ini plz kak :)​


1 You were too late to see the start of the football  match.

You weren't // were not early enough to see the start of the football match

2 This work is too bad to pass the exam.

This work isn't // is not good enough to pass the exam

3 My flat isn't big enough for a party.

My flat is too small for a party

4 We're too young to watch this film.

We aren't // are not old enough to watch this film

5 He was too weak to hold the books.

He wasn't // was not strong enough to hold the books


Pertanyaan ini artinya adalah membuat kata sifat dari:

too –> enough // enough –> too

contoh: No 1:

1 You were too late to see the start of the football match.

You weren't // were not early enough to see the start of the football match

To diubah menjadi Enough

to be diubah dari were menjadi were not // weren't

Adjective dari Late menjadi Early [ lawan kata // antonim ]

2 This work is too bad to pass the exam.

This work isn't // is not good enough to pass the exam

To diubah menjadi Enough

to be diubah dari were menjadi were not // weren't

Adjective dari Bad menjadi Good [ lawan kata // antonim ]

3 My flat isn't big enough for a party.

My flat is too small for a party

Enough diubah menjadi Too

to be diubah dari isn't menjadi too

Adjective dari Big diubah menjadi Small [ lawan kata // antonim ]

4 We're too young to watch this film.

We aren't // are not old enough to watch this film

To diubah menjadi Enough

to be diubah dari were menjadi were not // weren't

Adjective dari Young diubah menjadi Old [ lawan kata // antonim ]

5 He was too weak to hold the books.

He wasn't // was not strong enough to hold the books

To diubah menjadi Enough

to be diubah dari were menjadi were not // weren't

Adjective dari Weak diubah menjadi Strong [ lawan kata // antonim ]


semoga membantu 🙂

mapel: B. Inggris

kelas: 3 SD // 4 SD

topik: Opposite Adjectives


2) This work isn't good enough to pass the exam

3) My flat is too small for a party

4) We aren't old enough to watch this film

5) He wasn't strong enough to hold the books