Kak tolong bantu jawab bahasa Inggris saya kak​

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Kak tolong bantu jawab bahasa Inggris saya kak​

Kak tolong bantu jawab bahasa Inggris saya kak​

➊ Poem is a literature that its meaning, sound, and rhythm can evoke a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen. It is usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as rhyme, meter, and stanzaic structure.

➋ The functions of poem are:

  • Poem can be used to express the heart
  • As a means of education
  • As a medium of motivation for yourself and others who read it
  • As a medium to convey criticism, complaints, fears and anxieties

➌ There are 17 Common Types of Poem

  • Haiku Poems
  • Blank verse
  • Free Verse Poems
  • Cinquain Poems
  • Epic Poems
  • Ballad Poems
  • Acrostic Poems
  • Sonnet Poetry
  • Rhymed poetry
  • Narrative poetry
  • Pastoral poetry
  • Elegies
  • Olde
  • Limerick
  • Lyric poetry
  • Soliloquy
  • Villanelle

➍ Pay attention to this poem and answer the questions below.

  • a. The theme of the poem above is a friendship
  • b. There are five lines in the second stanza
  • c. There are two stanzas and nine lines in the poem
  • d. The second stanza tells about the happiness that comes from a friendship, because friendship is the most precious gift from God
  • e. It means stored or engraved in the heart
  • f. The synonym of "Gift" is "Present"



➊ What is poem?

  • Poem is a literature that its meaning, sound, and rhythm can evoke a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen. It is usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such formal elements as rhyme, meter, and stanzaic structure.

➋ What is the function of poem?

  • Poem can be used to express the heart
  • As a means of education
  • As a medium of motivation for yourself and others who read it
  • As a medium to convey criticism, complaints, fears and anxieties

➌ How many kinds of poem that you know, what are they?

There are 17 Common Types of Poem

  1. Haiku Poems
  2. Blank verse
  3. Free Verse Poems
  4. Cinquain Poems
  5. Epic Poems
  6. Ballad Poems
  7. Acrostic Poems
  8. Sonnet Poetry
  9. Rhymed poetry
  10. Narrative poetry
  11. Pastoral poetry
  12. Elegies
  13. Olde
  14. Limerick
  15. Lyric poetry
  16. Soliloquy
  17. Villanelle


`The Miracle of Friendship`

There is a Miracle Called friendship

That dwells within the Heart And you don't know how it happen

Or when it even happens

But the Happiness it brings you

Always gives a special lift

And you Realize That


Is God's most Precious Gift.

➍ Pay attention to this poem and answer the questions below.

a. What is the theme of the above poem?

  • The theme of the poem above is a friendship

b. How many lines are in the second stanza of the above poem?

  • There are five lines in the second stanza

c. How many stanzas and lines are there in the above poem?

  • There are two stanzas and nine lines in the poem

d. The second stanza tell about?

  • The second stanza tells about the happiness that comes from a friendship, because friendship is the most precious gift from God

e. What does the underlined word mean in the poem?

  • It means stored or engraved in the heart

f. What is the synonym of "Gift"

  • The synonym of "Gift" is "Present"


➊ Apa itu puisi?

  • Puisi adalah karya sastra di mana makna, bunyi, dan iramanya dapat membangkitkan kesadaran imajinatif yang terkonsentrasi terhadap pengalaman atau respons emosional tertentu melalui bahasa yang dipilih. Biasanya metaforis, dan sering menunjukkan elemen formal seperti sajak, meter, dan struktur bait.

➋ Apa fungsi dari puisi?

  • Puisi dapat digunakan untuk mengekspresikan isi hati
  • Sebagai sarana edukasi
  • Sebagai media motivasi bagi diri sendiri dan orang lain yang membacanya
  • Sebagai media untuk menyampaikan kritik, keluhan, ketakutan maupun keresahan

➌ Ada berapa macam puisi yang kamu ketahui, apa saja?

  • There are 17 Common Types of Poem
  • Haiku Poems
  • Blank verse
  • Free Verse Poems
  • Cinquain Poems
  • Epic Poems
  • Ballad Poems
  • Acrostic Poems
  • Sonnet Poetry
  • Rhymed poetry
  • Narrative poetry
  • Pastoral poetry
  • Elegies
  • Olde
  • Limerick
  • Lyric poetry
  • Soliloquy
  • Villanelle

➍ Perhatikan puisi ini dan jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini.

A. Apa tema puisi di atas?

  • Tema puisi di atas adalah tentang persahabatan

B. Ada berapa baris pada bait kedua puisi di atas?

  • Ada 5 baris pada baris kedua

C. Ada berapa bait dan baris puisi di atas?

  • Ada 2 bait dan 9 baris pada puisi tersebut

D. Bait kedua menceritakan tentang?

  • Bait kedua menceritakan tentang kebahagiaan yang berasal dari sebuah persahabatan, karena persahabatan adalah anugerah yang paling berharga dari Tuhan

E. Apa arti kata yang digarisbawahi dalam puisi tersebut?

  • "Bersemayam" adalah tersimpan atau terpatri dalam hati

F. Apa Sinonim untuk "Gift"

  • Persamaan dari "Gift" adalah "Present"


1. poem is a bommb

2. for reading

3. pay attention to this poem and answer question below!

A. the miracle of friendshid

B. about 3

C about 2

D. precious gift

E. the new world

F. gifting someone a gift


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