Kak tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris tentang perokok pasive dan aktip​

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Kak tolong buatkan dialog bahasa inggris tentang perokok pasive dan aktip​


A: Hey b , did you know about the lung cancer on tv?

B: Yes, i did. Why are you asking about that?

A: That's gonna be my theme project on my exam.

B: Oh, i know little. Last week , i learnt it on my biology class.

A: That's great , what do you think about the passive and the active about cigarette?

B: That's pretty complicated. Lots of people told me that the passive more dangerous than the active , so we must avoid the bad situation of enviroment.

A: That's pretty cool opinion. Thanks for the good vibes.

B: It's okay , you're welcome.