Kak tolong dibantu dongpelajaran B. inggris dibutuhkan sampe jam 08.50

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Kak tolong dibantu dongpelajaran B. inggris dibutuhkan sampe jam 08.50

Kak tolong dibantu dongpelajaran B. inggris dibutuhkan sampe jam 08.50


my mother prepares my breakfast

Mr ilham is teach math in our class

my mother sweep my house every morning

my father is the one who watch tv in our house

most mobiles are made in china


maaf kalau salah tapi harusnya bener sih ini kan pejaran kelas tk


1. A: My breakfast is prepared by my mom.

2. A: Math is taught by Mr Anton in my class.

3 A: My house is swept by my nanny every morning.

4. A: The TV is watched by everyone in my house.

5. A: Most mobiles are made in South Korea.

Semoga membantu! 🙂

I hope it helps! 🙂