Kak tolong kerjain dari nomor 29-33#jangan asal asalan

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Kak tolong kerjain dari nomor 29-33#jangan asal asalan

Kak tolong kerjain dari nomor 29-33#jangan asal asalan

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Subject : English
Category : Reading
Level : JHS

29. B
"who do you think will become the top student this semester?"
"She is the smartest student at school."

30. C
"Erlin : […] you were on the fourht place last semester; Noval : […]"

31. B
sudah ada penjelasan di bawahnya.

32. B
struggle = perjuangan
first and last line : "kau menahanku di bawah, tapi aku bangkit"

33. B
brushing off the dust = menyapu debu

Subject: English
Category: Pilihan Ganda

29. A. The best student in class
30. C. Noval
31. B. Emily (clue; I think this time Emily will win)
32. B. Struggle (clue; you held me down but I got up)
33. B. Sweeping (ignore)