Kak, tolong kerjain yg no 1,2,4, dan 5 ya,, disertai alasan jawaban nya biar saya paham​

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Kak, tolong kerjain yg no 1,2,4, dan 5 ya,, disertai alasan jawaban nya biar saya paham​

Kak, tolong kerjain yg no 1,2,4, dan 5 ya,, disertai alasan jawaban nya biar saya paham​


Flood can occur (1) anywhere at any time with proper weather conditions, and anyone, residing in a low-lying area should be careful (2) at all times for the possibility of such a natural disaster. The majority of efforts that can be undertaken to reduce (3) flood damage requires a bit of work, common sense, and immediate (4) action, and also a realistic plan to protect (5) personal property.


(1) Occur is the right word to use in this situation. Why? Because the text specifically tells us about a disaster which is a flood. If the text tells us about a specific catastrophe then use the word occur.

(2) Again, look at the text carefully. It tells us that anyone residing (meaning, living in a low place) should be careful. Makes sense right? What else would replace the word? What, like panicking? Anyone living in a low place should be panicking? No, of course not, it doesn't make any sense. So, careful is indeed the right word to use.

(3) Sometimes in a problem like this you have to be creative. And find words that matches with the text. Make sure it makes sense too. Reduce is the word you'd pick.

(4) Now, this one is a bit tricky. Because, rather than thinking a right word to put, this time, you have to pick the right grammar that fits with the text above. And I picked -> and immediate.

(5) The same principal as number 1. Choose a word that fits within the situation of the text. I chose the word protect. Because it fits, and makes sense.

Kelas: 7

Materi: Adjectives, Verbs, and Simple Grammar.


1. happen

2. prepared

4. plan

5. save


1. terjadi

2. bersiap2. +d krn setelah be + v2

4. rencana

5. menyelamatkan

semoga membantu, karena kalau listening section pasti dibacakan dulu untuk isinya.