Kakak, tolong bantu susun kalimat berikut, ya? Tolong dijawab serius. Terimakasih.

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*The Prophet Muhammad's saying that man should learn from the cradle to the grave.
*Be prepared to compete with your peers around the world facing globalization.
*More than 11 million Indonesian are illiterate.
*Our government has a plan to recruit up to 200 professors from the world's top 100 ranked universities to teach in Indonesia's State Universities.
*Providing a good education is a key to elevate people out of poverty.
*To boost student learning intent.
*Don't give up studying! But strive for the best to achieve your goals. Nothing is impossible.
*Avoid procrastination on your assignments and regularly studying for exams.
*Vocational schools should be improved.

* Nabi Muhammad mengatakan bahwa manusia harus belajar dari buaian sampai liang kubur.
* Bersiaplah untuk bersaing dengan rekan-rekan Anda di seluruh dunia yang menghadapi globalisasi.
* Lebih dari 11 juta orang Indonesia buta huruf.
* Pemerintah kami memiliki rencana untuk merekrut hingga 200 profesor dari 100 universitas top dunia untuk mengajar di Universitas Negeri Indonesia.
* Menyediakan pendidikan yang baik adalah kunci untuk mengangkat orang keluar dari kemiskinan.
* Untuk meningkatkan niat belajar siswa.
* Jangan menyerah belajar! Namun usahakan yang terbaik untuk mencapai tujuan Anda. Tidak ada yang tak mungkin.
* Hindari penundaan pada tugas Anda dan secara teratur belajar untuk ujian.
* Sekolah kejuruan harus ditingkatkan.

Kakak, tolong bantu susun kalimat berikut, ya? Tolong dijawab serius. Terimakasih.



More than 11 million Indonesian are illiterate. Providing a good education is a key to elevate people out of poverty.  To boost student learning intent.  Vocational schools should be improved. Our government has a plan to recruit up to 200 professors from the world's top 100 ranked universities to teach in Indonesia's State Universities.  Be prepared to compete with your peers around the world facing globalization.  Avoid procrastination on your assignments and regularly studying for exams.  The Prophet Muhammad's saying that man should learn from the cradle to the grave.  Don't give up studying! But strive for the best to achieve your goals. Nothing is impossible.