Kalimat interrogative dan negative of these sentences below!

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a.Iam eating rice now
b.you are drinking a cup of coffee
c.he is studying English now
d.she is singing asong now
e.they are sitting on the car now
f.we are watching a film now

Kalimat interrogative dan negative of these sentences below!

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Kalimat Interogative dan Negative

(?) = Interogatif

(-) = Negatif

a. (?) Am I eating rice now?

(-) I am not eating rice now.

b. (?) Are you drinking a cup of coffee?

(-) You are not drinking a coffee.

c. (?) Is he studying English now?

(-) He is not studying English now.

d. (?) Is she singing a song now?

(-) She is not singing a song now.

e. (?) Are they sitting on the car now?

(-) They are not sitting on the car now.

f. (?) Are we watching a film now?

(-) We are not watching a film now.


Present Continuous Tense

↪ Adalah suatu jenis kalimat yang membicarakan tentang kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan sekarang ini.



  • (+) Subject + is/am/are + verb-ing + object
  • (-) Subject + is/am/are + not + verb-ing + object
  • (?) Is/Am/Are + subject + verb-ing + object + ?

Keterangan waktu:


  1. Now
  2. Right now
  3. Dll…



________☆Now playing☆_________

___☆Scream by Dreamcatcher☆___




  1. brainly.co.id/tugas/14598576
  2. brainly.co.id/tugas/5827021
  3. brainly.co.id/tugas/28771280


Kelas: 8

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: 6 – stating activity now (present continuous)

Kode: 8.5.6