Kasih contoh kalimat ifclause tipe 1 dan 2 dari: she wouldn’t have come if i hadn’t called her

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Kasih contoh kalimat ifclause tipe 1 dan 2 dari: she wouldn’t have come if i hadn’t called her

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Type 1 : She won't come if I don't call her.

Type 2 : She wouldn't come if I didn't call her

Type 3 : She wouldn't have come if I hadn't called her.

Note :

The pattern of the conditional sentence :

Type 1 => If +S+verb 1 (s/es)+C , S+will+verb 1 + C

Type 2 => If+ S+verb 2 + C  , S+would+ verb 1 + C

Type 3 => If + S+had+verb 3 + C , S+would+have+verb 3 + C


Conditional sentence structure consists -If clause and result clause ( main clause ).

→There are 4 types of Conditional Sentence←


  • The Zero Conditional is used to describe the Phenomenon, and General truth ( Fact  ). Zero Conditional uses the simple present tense form to reflect the truth.

Pattern :

If+S+verb (s/es)+O , S+verb (s/es)+O

=> If+simple present, simple present

Example :

If we boil water , it evaporates up into atmosphere.

{ Jika kita merebus air, itu menguap ke udara }

Analysis :

→ It tells about the general truth or phenomenon.

→ It uses the simple present tense form to describe the truth. It is proven that the water evaporates up and disappear when it is heated at 100 degrees Celsius.


  • The Type 1 Conditional is used to describe the truth  in the present/future ( The planning (prediction)  will be probably happened ). In fact, the speaker will actualize his/her dream now or soon .

Pattern :

If +S+ verb (s/es) + O, S+will+verb1+O/C

=> If + simple present, simple future

Example :

If I study hard, I will pass the exam easily.

{ Jika saya belajar giat, saya akan lulus ujian dengan mudah }


→ It uses simple future form in its main clause / result clause to describe the possible condition and state the prediction will be true. Meaning : it's possible that I will be successful for the exam later.


  • The Type 2 Conditional type  is used to describe  the untruth in the present / future. It is Contrary to the fact in the present or it could be in the future. The speaker has an intention ( dream ) but he/she can't afford his/her dream comes true in the present/future

"Keep in mind, if we use the first , second person and third person singular  ( I, she, he, it , ) in the nominal sentence , it must be followed by the PAST linking verb "were" because of the formality. It's just for conditional sentence and subjunctive mood.


If+S+verb2+O/C , S+would+verb1+O/C

=> If + simple past , past future

Example :

If I were a president, I would build the largest library in the Southeast Asia.

{ Andai saya seorang presiden, saya akan bangun perpustakaan terbesar se Asia Tenggara }

Analysis :

→ It uses the simple past form to reflect the untruth condition in the present and the speaker's intention will not come true because it is contrary to the real condition for now or maybe future. Meaning :  I can't build the largest library because I'm not a president now.


  • The Type 3 Conditional  Is used to describe  the untruth in the past. It is contrary to the fact in the past and It  reflects a regret for something that the speaker couldn't afford to do in the past.

Pattern :

If+S+Had+Verb 3+O  , S+Would+have+Verb 3+O

=> If + past perfect , past future perfect

Example :

If I had known my friend's house address correctly, I wouldn't have been lost.

{ Jika saya tahu alamat rumah teman saya dengan jelas, saya tidak akan telah kesasar } 

Meaning :  I didn't know my friend's house address so I was lost.


Learn about the related topics.

brainly.co.id/tugas/4574076 ( Definition of conditional sentence )

brainly.co.id/tugas/23087312 ( State the fact in the conditional sentence )

brainly.co.id/tugas/24434452 ( exercise of all types of conditional )

Detail Answer  

Level          : Shs    ( 12 )

Subject  .   : English

Category   : Sentence structure

Code          : 5

Categorization : 12.5.2

Keywords  = Conditional sentence ;  the type 2 conditional ; the type 3 conditional ; the type 1 conditional