Kata bantu dalam kalimat: 1.The boy …… Short a year ago.Now, he ……Tali. 2.The shoes …. New two years ago.Now, he,they….. Old. 3.The toples…. Sweet two hours ago.Now, they…. Sour. 4.My fingers……. Painfull yesterday. Now, after taking medicine they….. Not painful anymore. 5.We….. Math homework 30 minutes ago.Now, we…… Some fun activities.

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Kata bantu dalam kalimat: 1.The boy …… Short a year ago.Now, he ……Tali. 2.The shoes …. New two years ago.Now, he,they….. Old. 3.The toples…. Sweet two hours ago.Now, they…. Sour. 4.My fingers……. Painfull yesterday. Now, after taking medicine they….. Not painful anymore. 5.We….. Math homework 30 minutes ago.Now, we…… Some fun activities.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  1. The boy WAS short a year ago. Now, he IS Tall.
  2. The shoes WERE new two years ago. Now, they ARE old.
  3. The topples WAS sweet two hours ago. Now, they ARE sour.
  4. My fingers WERE painful yesterday. Now, after taking medicine they ARE not painful anymore.
  5. We DID Math homework 30 minutes ago. Now, we DO Some fun activities.


Present Tense

Digunakan utk menunjukkan Peristiwa yg terjadi di masa sekarang (Present), Kegiatan berulang/rutin, kebiasaan (habitual) dan utk menyatakan kebenaran umum (fakta).

Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + be (is/am/are) + Adj/Adv/Noun

(-) S + be (is/am/are) + not + Adj/Adv/Noun

(?) be (is/am/are) + S + Adj/Adv/Noun?

“Be Present”

=> Digunakan untuk masa sekarang

=> cirinya “now”


Past Tense

Digunakan utk menunjukkan suatu Kegiatan atau Peristiwa yg terjadi di masa lampau.

Rumus Past Tense

(+) S + be (was/were) + Adj/Adv/Noun

(-) S + be (was/were) + not + Adj/Adv/Noun

(?) be (was/were) + S + Adj/Adv/Noun?

“Be Past”

=> Digunakan untuk masa lampau

=> Cirinya “a year ago, two years ago, two hours ago, yesterday, 30 minutes ago”



Untuk no. 5 menggunakan Verbal Sentence.

=> Untuk Present menggunakan Verb-1

=> Untuk Past menggunakan Verb-2



  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Grammar
  • Level: JHS-SHS
  • Kode Mapel: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5.3

Kata Kunci: Present Tense, Past Tense