Kk tolong jwb yaa

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1. My parents … a furniture business in Bali. (+)
a. have got c. has got
b. haven't got d. hasn't got

2. Amsterdam? /as/in/a/is that. The correct order to make question for checking and clarifying is?

3. Eating fruit is as… as eating vegetables for our body
a. healthy
b. healthiest
c. healthier
d. the healthiest

4. Buying things from plastic is …. than buying things from recycled paper
a. bad. c. worst
b. worse. d. the worst

5. Currently Gillian Turner …. photos for a project on fashion in Asia
a. takes c. take
b. is taking d. took

Kk tolong jwb yaa

1. My parents … a furniture business in Bali. (+)

a. have got

  • kalimat positif tidak memakai not dan untuk my parents (they) memakai have, bukan has

2. Amsterdam? /as/in/a/is that. The correct order to make question for checking and clarifying is?

answer : IS that Amsterdam?

  • terjemahannya : apakah itu Amsterdam?

3. Eating fruit is as… as eating vegetables for our body

a. healthy

  • positive degree biasanya ditandai dengan as. oleh karena itu, berdasarkan kalimat di atas, jawaban yang tepat adalah healthy

4. Buying things from plastic is …. than buying things from recycled paper

b. worse

  • comparative degree biasanya ditandai dengan than. oleh karena itu, berdasarkan kalimat di atas, jawaban yang tepat adalah worse (worse : comparative degree dari bad)

5. Currently Gillian Turner …. photos for a project on fashion in Asia

b. is taking

  • currently adalah ket. waktu untuk present continuous tense. Rumus (+) : s + to be + V-ing