la SK 2 Read the sentences loudly, then translate them into bahasa 1. A wonderful old Italianclock. (opinion – age – origin]​

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la SK 2 Read the sentences loudly, then translate them into bahasa 1. A wonderful old Italianclock. (opinion – age – origin]​

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Task 2


An adjective is a word that describes a noun. Nouns are words that name a place, a person, a thing, or an idea. For instance : beautiful, shady, neat, big

1. A wonderful old italianclock

= Sebuah jam Italia tua yang indah

2. A big square redbox

= sebuah kotak merah persegi besar

3. A beautiful pink plastic ornament

= Sebuah ornamen plastik merah muda yang indah

4. My sister has a beautiful big white rabbit

= Adikku memiliki kelinci putih besar yang cantik.

5. I love that really big old green house in village

= Saya suka rumah hijau tua yang sangat besar di desa

6. Some new shoes in my shelf

= beberapa sepatu baru di rak saya

7. My small new red bag

= tas merah kecilku yang baru

8. I have a pair of black leather shoes

= Saya memiliki sepasang sepatu kulit hitam

semoga membantu
