Last Sunday Martha & … sister woke up very early long before dawn. They wanted to prepare a surprise birthday celebration for … mother. First they put some dolls and other stuffs in the isle outside … parents’ bedroom so that mom would trip over on … way to the bathroom. They also changed … tooth brush so it would break as soon as mom started to use it. They changed the tooth paste, too. They put red thick liquid inside a tube so mom would think that it was blood. There was also some mess that they prepared in the kitchen. They wanted to make her angry on … birthday. However, … plans did not work at all. Mom only smiled and tidied up the mess that they made. She is the most patient woman in the world. They love … Mom.

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Last Sunday Martha & … sister woke up very early long before dawn. They wanted to prepare a surprise birthday celebration for … mother. First they put some dolls and other stuffs in the isle outside … parents’ bedroom so that mom would trip over on … way to the bathroom. They also changed … tooth brush so it would break as soon as mom started to use it. They changed the tooth paste, too. They put red thick liquid inside a tube so mom would think that it was blood. There was also some mess that they prepared in the kitchen. They wanted to make her angry on … birthday. However, … plans did not work at all. Mom only smiled and tidied up the mess that they made. She is the most patient woman in the world. They love … Mom.

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