Leading Work in pairs. Take turns reading the dialog below. mila : Good morning, Sir. Police : Good morning. Can help you?. mila : Yes, I need your help to find my sister. Police : Can you describe her physical appearance? Mila : Sure She is about 6 years old. She is wearing a yellow dress. She has short hair, dark skin, and big eyes. Police : I’m sorry, could you repeat the last part of the description? Mila : Certainly. She has dark skin and big eyes. Police : Okay. We’ll do our best to find her. We will contact you as soon as possible Mila : Thank you, Sir. Police You’re welcome

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bntu terjemhin dong​

Leading Work in pairs. Take turns reading the dialog below. mila : Good morning, Sir. Police : Good morning. Can help you?. mila : Yes, I need your help to find my sister. Police : Can you describe her physical appearance? Mila : Sure She is about 6 years old. She is wearing a yellow dress. She has short hair, dark skin, and big eyes. Police : I’m sorry, could you repeat the last part of the description? Mila : Certainly. She has dark skin and big eyes. Police : Okay. We’ll do our best to find her. We will contact you as soon as possible Mila : Thank you, Sir. Police You’re welcome

leading Work in pairs. Take turns reading the dialog below. mila : Good morning, Sir. Police : Good morning. Can help you?. mila : Yes, I need your help to find my sister. Police : Can you describe her physical appearance? Mila : Sure She is about 6 years old. She is wearing a yellow dress. She has short hair, dark skin, and big eyes. Police : I'm sorry, could you repeat the last part of the description? Mila : Certainly. She has dark skin and big eyes. Police : Okay. We'll do our best to find her. We will contact you as soon as possible Mila : Thank you, Sir. Police You're welcome

di terjemahkan :

memimpin Bekerja berpasangan. Bergiliran membaca dialog di bawah ini. mila : selamat pagi pak. Polisi : Selamat pagi. Bisa membantumu?. mila : ya, aku butuh bantuanmu untuk menemukan adikku. Polisi : Bisakah Anda menggambarkan penampilan fisiknya? Mila : Tentu Dia berumur sekitar 6 tahun. Dia mengenakan gaun kuning. Dia memiliki rambut pendek, kulit gelap, dan mata besar. Polisi: Maaf, bisakah Anda mengulangi bagian terakhir dari deskripsi? Milea : Tentu saja. Dia memiliki kulit gelap dan mata besar. Polisi : Oke. Kami akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk menemukannya. Kami akan menghubungi Anda sesegera mungkin Mila : Terima kasih, Pak. Polisi Sama-sama