Lembar Kerja Siswa

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A. Complete the dialogue using the following expressions in the box!

a. a, I agree with you

b. b. No, definitely not

c. c. I don’t think so

d. d. I think so

e. e. That’s a good idea

1. Tono : Altough this is the best cinema in town, there are no many people visiting it.

Rizka : . . . . nowadays people prefer spending their time at home watching TV.

2. Anton : Well, Rio, do you think you have passed?

Rio : I thought the paper was terrible. I haven’t got a hope a getting through.

3. Dina : What is your plan for the holiday?

Wiwik : I have no Idea

Dina : What about picnic to Lake Toba, Wik?

Wiwik : . . . . Visiting beach is better for summer vacation I think.

4. Dono : Do you think it is wrong to hunt animals for sport, Yok?

Yoyok : . . . . Besides It’s cruel, it will make them vanished.

Dono : I think you are right Don.

5. Gita : Do you think It will rain?

Fatimah : . . . . .The sky is cloudy.

Gita : Then we can’t go to Rini’s house.

B. Give your opinions based the cases below!

For example : What do you think of smoking for student?

Answer : In my opinion, smoking is not good for their health.

6. What do you think about the flood happened recently?

Answer : I think . . . . . . . . . .

7. What’s your opinion of drugs consume by some teenagers?

Answer : In my opinion . . . . . . . . . .

8. What’s your idea about the English competition in the classmeeting?

Answer : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Lembar Kerja Siswa







6.i think it's very dangerous.

7. in my opinion it's not something good I need to stop them.


(maaf kalau salah)