Lengkapi kata2 berikut

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Lengkapi kata2 berikut

Lengkapi kata2 berikut


1. each year, more people are killed by elephants than by sharks

2. you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink

4. a bird in hand is worth ten in bush


cuma tau itu, itu kayanya peribahasa, coba aja search peribahasa dalam bahasa inggris gitu, semoga membantu


1. Each year more people are killed by elephant then by sharks

2. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink

3. He who made kittens put a snake in the grass

4. A Bird in hand is worth two in the bush

5. Love lariam is a crazy English teacher

6. Doesn't the size of the dog in on the fight was the size of the fight on the dog


maaf klo kurang tepat