Lengkapilah kalimat dengan menggunakan can or cannot tambah kata kerja yg ada dalam kotak. Pilihlah kata kerja yg sesuai.

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[Speak] [See] [Come] [Find] [Hear]

1.I like this story house,i…………….the hills from the windows

2.Do you see my pen? i………………it

3.You are speaking too softly. i…………….you

4.She got the job because She……….several languages

5.I am sorry,but I……………..to your party tomorrow​

Lengkapilah kalimat dengan menggunakan can or cannot tambah kata kerja yg ada dalam kotak. Pilihlah kata kerja yg sesuai.


1. Can see

2. Can't find

3. Can't hear

4. Can speak

5. Can't come


1. I like this story house,I can see the hills from the windows

2. Do you see my pen? I can't find it

3. You are speaking too softly. I can't hear you

4. She got the job because She speaks several languages

5. I am sorry,but I can't come to your party tomorrow​

semoga membantu^_^