Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan the present simple passive.

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1. various terminals (connect)….. to this workstation.
2. microcomputers (know)……. as 'PCs'.
3. magazines (typeset)…… by computers.
4. when a particular program is run, the data (processed) by computer rapidly.
5. the web (use)…… to search for information and buy products online.
6. the drug-detecting test in the tour de france (support) ….. by computers
7. all activities of the computer system (coordinate)……. by the central processing unit.
8. in some modern systems information (hold)…… in optical disks.
9. the students discuss how computers (use)…… in the situations illustrated by the pictures.
10. an email (help)……. by internet to be sent to the receiver.

Lengkapilah kalimat di bawah ini dengan menggunakan the present simple passive.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. are connected
2. are known
3. are typeset
4. is processed
5. is used
6. is supported
7. are coordinated
8. are held
9. are used
10. is helped