Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat dengan kata-kata di dalam kotak!

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1. She
She … go to the cinema
2. I will … the ondel ondel dance.
3. Mia will … a new bag and shoes.
4. He … a good singer.
5. We … sing the Ondel – Ondel sonf
• buy • See. • will. • will be • will​

Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat dengan kata-kata di dalam kotak!


1 will

2 see

3 buy

4 will be

5 will


1. She Will go to the cinema

2. I will See the ondel ondel dance

3. Mia will Buy a new bag and shoes

4. He Will Be a good singer

5. We Will sing the ondel ondel song


Semoga membantu