Lett for question number 29 to 31

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Theanh reconnus heat from the Sun and reflecis some of
his heat mlo Space Carbon dioxide and other gases in the air
is a blanket to hold on to some of this reficct heal. As a
Iculi iho Fanthis Man This is called the greenhouse ctlect
The cutting down of forests and the burning of lucis cause the
uw contain much gases that cause the greenhouse effect
Therd' is a risc in temperature all over the world, which is
called global warming With increased global warming, the
face in the North Pole and the South Pole will melt. This will
cause the sea levels tonise. Plants and animals that are unable
siapa tothe hicher lemperature will become elinci.
e n oors dan contact
חוות, 8 וגי, 111 ,
11 …Arti dari teks tadi​

Lett for question number 29 to 31
