List the correlative conjunctions in the following paragraph and write the elements that corelate. one has been done for you as an example.

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thirty years ago people knew about neither spaceships nor astronauts. they were fascinated by machines called automobiles, and they were nervous about flying in airplanes. gradually both automobiles and airplanes became commonplace. the coming of jets caused a small sensation, but soon people got used to them too.
today we are accustomed not only to satellites being launched from the earth and put into orbit, but also to astronauts spending several days in space. astronauts have been landed on the moon. parents of the past worried about airplane. parents of today may either have to accept space travel for their children or make themselves and their children unhappy.​

List the correlative conjunctions in the following paragraph and write the elements that corelate. one has been done for you as an example.

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Below is the list of the correlative conjunctions found in the paragraph:

  1. Thirty years ago people knew about neither spaceships nor astronauts.
  2. Today we are accustomed not only to satellites being launched from the earth and put into orbit, but also to astronauts spending several days in space.
  3. Parents of today may either have to accept space travel for their children or make themselves and their children unhappy.​


Correlative conjunction is a pair of words that works to connect a sentence with the same value into one full sentence.

Few examples of correlative conjunctions:

  • Either/or: I'll either eat at a seafood restaurant or a mexican restaurant.
  • Neither/nor: Neither me nor my boyfriend will let this issue pass.
  • Not only/but also: Not only my sister but my parents disagree with my decision.
  • Both: Both my dad and mom won't let me go on a holiday during covid19.

Materi tentang correlative conjunctions dapat disimak pada link berikut ini
