Look at the pictures. Write present simple sentences. Use like, love or hate and a word from the box.

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cats football apples ice cream bananas winter​

Look at the pictures. Write present simple sentences. Use like, love or hate and a word from the box.

Look at the pictures. Write present simple sentences. Use like, love or hate and a word from the box.


  1. He likes apples
  2. She hates bananas
  3. She likes ice cream
  4. They love cats
  5. She hate winter
  6. We love football

2. I like bananas.

  • Orang tersebut sedang memegang pisang.

3. She likes ice cream.

  • Orang tersebut sedang memegang es krim.

4. They love cats.

  • Ada dua ekor kucing.

5. She hates winter.

  • Wanita tersebut terlihat muram dan kedinginan.

6. We loves football.

  • Ada bendera dan pernak pernik penggemar sepak bola.




  • Subject + Verb 1-(s/es) + Object


  • Subject + Auxiliary Verb + not + Object


  • Auxiliary Verb + Subject + Object + ?


  • Jika subject I/you/they/we/dua nama atau lebih, maka digunakanVerb 1 dan Auxiliary Verb yang digunakan adalah do.
  • Jika subject he/she/it/satu nama, maka digunakan Verb 1-(s/es) dan Auxiliary Verb yang digunakan adalah does.