Look at the six things (a-f) from A opposite. Which person (1-6) is most likely to do each of the things? a work in shifts 1 A designer in a website design company. Has to be in the office, a b work under but can decide when she wants to start and finish work each day. a flexitime 2 A manager in a department store in a large city. Lives in the system country. e telecommute 3 A construction worker on a building site where work goes on d commute to 24 hours a day work 4 A worker in a chocolate factory in the three months before e clock in and out Christmas, at the same time 5 A technical writer for a computer company. Lives in the country every day and visits the company offices once a month. f work overtime 6 An office worker in a large, traditional manufacturing company Look at the words and expressions in B and Copposite. Five people describe their jobs. March the jobs (1-5) with the descriptions (a-e) and put the words in brackets into the correct grammatical forms, 1 accountant 2 postwoman 3 flight attendant 4 software developer 5 teacher a Obviously, my work involves deinanden travel a lot. It can be quite physically del on, except when Halaman​

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Look at the six things (a-f) from A opposite. Which person (1-6) is most likely to do each of the things? a work in shifts 1 A designer in a website design company. Has to be in the office, a b work under but can decide when she wants to start and finish work each day. a flexitime 2 A manager in a department store in a large city. Lives in the system country. e telecommute 3 A construction worker on a building site where work goes on d commute to 24 hours a day work 4 A worker in a chocolate factory in the three months before e clock in and out Christmas, at the same time 5 A technical writer for a computer company. Lives in the country every day and visits the company offices once a month. f work overtime 6 An office worker in a large, traditional manufacturing company Look at the words and expressions in B and Copposite. Five people describe their jobs. March the jobs (1-5) with the descriptions (a-e) and put the words in brackets into the correct grammatical forms, 1 accountant 2 postwoman 3 flight attendant 4 software developer 5 teacher a Obviously, my work involves deinanden travel a lot. It can be quite physically del on, except when Halaman​


Lihatlah enam hal (a-f) dari A yang berlawanan. Orang mana (1-6) yang paling mungkin melakukan masing-masing hal? pekerjaan bergiliran 1 Seorang desainer di perusahaan desain situs web. Harus di kantor, a b bekerja di bawah tetapi dapat memutuskan kapan dia ingin memulai dan menyelesaikan pekerjaan setiap hari. a flexitime 2 Seorang manajer di sebuah department store di kota besar. Tinggal di negara sistem. e telecommute 3 Seorang pekerja konstruksi di lokasi bangunan di mana pekerjaan berlangsung d bolak-balik ke 24 jam sehari kerja 4 Seorang pekerja di pabrik cokelat dalam tiga bulan sebelum e jam masuk dan keluar Natal, pada saat yang sama 5 Seorang penulis teknis untuk sebuah perusahaan komputer. Tinggal di pedesaan setiap hari dan mengunjungi kantor perusahaan sebulan sekali. f bekerja lembur 6 Seorang pekerja kantoran di sebuah perusahaan manufaktur tradisional yang besar Lihatlah kata-kata dan ekspresi di B dan Copposite. Lima orang menggambarkan pekerjaan mereka. Susun pekerjaan (1-5) dengan deskripsi (a-e) dan masukkan kata-kata dalam kurung ke dalam bentuk tata bahasa yang benar, 1 akuntan 2 postwoman 3 pramugari 4 pengembang perangkat lunak 5 guru a Jelas, pekerjaan saya melibatkan banyak perjalanan deinanden. Hal ini dapat dilakukan secara fisik, kecuali jika Halaman


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