M. Tono’s House

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Mr. Tong is my teacher. He (1) in a house with his wife and two daughters. His house
is (2N0.8 Merapi Street no. 5. He has lived in the house for little more ten years. He (3) Fees
comfortable to live in the house.
Mr. Tono's house is very big about 1200 meters (2) and the height of it is about 50 meters
high. It has white (5)CP with a high gate cover all around the house. It has two floors. In the first
floor there are a big living room, library, kitchen, and area for (6)w television and relaxing. Near
the kitchen, there is a (7) din toom where Mr. Tono usually has his breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
In the up floor, there are four rooms. One main room belongs to Mr. Tono and the other ones are
for his quests. Every bed room has bath room (8 the room. There is a garden in front of the
house. Mr. Tono likes planting (9)ple such as rose, jasmines, orchids, and sun flower. There are
also trees. It makes the house look so (10) Shady
$ inside
5 colour
y large
O shady
1 lives
5 feels
"Tolong dong diterjemahin kedalam bahasa indonesia soalnya mau dikumpulin nanti waktu les"​

M. Tono’s House


Mr. Tono is my teacher. He (1) LIVES in a house with his wife and two daughters.

His house is (2) LOCATED at Merapi Street no. 5. He has lived in the house for little more ten years. He (3) FEELS comfortable to live in the house.

Mr. Tono's house is very big about 1200 meters (4) LARGE and the height of it is about 50 meters high.

It has white (5) COLOUR with a high gate cover all around the house. It has two floors. In the first floor there are a big living room, library, kitchen, and area for (6) WATCHING television and relaxing.

Near the kitchen, there is a (7) DINING room where Mr. Tono usually has his breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the up floor, there are four rooms. One main room belongs to Mr. Tono and the other ones are for his guests.

Every bed room has bath room (8) INSIDE room. There is a garden in front of the house. Mr. Tono likes planting (9) PLANTS such as rose, jasmines, orchids, and sun flower. There are also trees. It makes the house look so (10) SHADY



Pak Tono adalah guruku. Dia (1) TINGGAL di sebuah rumah bersama istri dan dua putrinya.

Rumahnya (2) TERLETAK di Jalan Merapi no. 5. Dia telah tinggal di rumah selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Dia (3) MERASA nyaman tinggal di rumah tersebut.

Rumah Pak Tono sangat besar sekitar 1200 meter (4) LUASNYA dan tingginya sekitar 50 meter.

Rumah tersebut ber (5) WARNA putih dengan penutup gerbang tinggi di sekeliling rumah. Rumah tersebut memiliki dua lantai. Yang lantai pertama ada ruang tamu besar, perpustakaan, dapur, dan area untuk (6) MENONTON televisi dan bersantai.

Di dekat dapur ada (7) RUANG MAKAN dimana Pak Tono biasanya sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam.

Di lantai atas, ada empat kamar. Satu ruangan utama adalah milik Pak Tono dan yang lainnya adalah untuk tamu.

Setiap kamar tidur memiliki kamar mandi (8) DI DALAM kamar. Ada taman di depan rumah. Tono menyukai penanaman (9) TANAMAN seperti mawar, jasmine, anggrek, dan bunga matahari. Ada juga pohon. (Tanaman-tanaman) Itu membuat rumah tersebut terlihat begitu (10) TEDUH


Rumah M. Tono

Pak Tong adalah guruku. Dia (1) di rumah bersama istri dan dua putrinya. Rumahnya

adalah (2N0.8 Jalan Merapi no. 5. Dia telah tinggal di rumah selama sepuluh tahun lebih sedikit. Dia (3) Biaya

nyaman tinggal di rumah.


Rumah Pak Tono sangat besar sekitar 1200 meter (2) dan tingginya sekitar 50 meter

tinggi. Ini memiliki CP putih (5) dengan penutup gerbang tinggi di sekitar rumah. Itu memiliki dua lantai. Yang pertama

lantai ada ruang tamu besar, perpustakaan, dapur, dan area untuk (6) televisi dan santai. Dekat

dapur, ada toom din (7) di mana Pak Tono biasanya sarapan, makan siang, dan makan malam.

Di lantai atas, ada empat kamar. Satu ruangan utama adalah milik Tono dan yang lainnya adalah

untuk pencariannya. Setiap kamar memiliki kamar mandi (8 kamar. Ada taman di depan)

rumah. Tono menyukai penanaman (9) seperti mawar, jasmine, anggrek, dan bunga matahari. Ada

juga pohon. Itu membuat rumah terlihat begitu (10) Teduh

$ di dalam

5 warna

y besar

Wahai teduh

1 hidup

5 terasa





kalo gak salah_-