Macam macam anouncement

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Macam macam anouncement

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

To all students of grade IX SMP Sukorambi. This is
an important announcement for you who is going for picnic to Bali.
Please remember, we are going to leave Jember tomorrow morning:
Day : Saturday
Date: 28 April 2012
Time: 06.00 a.m.
Place: School yard of SMP Sukorambi
Please come before 6 or you’ll be left. Don’t forget to bring your camera and notebook to accomplish your traveling report.
Head of Traveling Comittee
Samsidi, SPd.

pertanyaan anda saya bnggung maksudnya
Announcement 1
From : English Department of Lampung University
Lampung University
Bandar Lampung, 35147

Contact : Clara Mustika Anastasia
Phone : 0812-3567-8944
For use : now to July 3, 2013

the 4th of July, 2013, a team from the University of Adelaide will come
to the University of Lampung to provide guidance on scholarships for
outstanding students in Indonesia. The briefing will be delivered
directly through the university's dean of Adelaide in a great detail.
The event will take place during the day and held in the multipurpose
building of Lampung University. Enjoy the event.