Make 2 dialog using the expressions of rules, prohibitions and suggestion​

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Make 2 dialog using the expressions of rules, prohibitions and suggestion​


Obligation adalah ungkapan menyatakan seseorang harus melakukan sesuatu/melarang seseorang melakukan sesuatu.

Create a dialog using,expressions of obligation, prohibition, or recommendation!

Police: Do you know your mistake?

Man: Yes, I know. I don't wear helmet while driving.

Police: Don't you know that you must wear helmet? It's used to protect your head from danger.

Man: Yes, sir.

Police: Okay. Later you must obey the rule. It's for your goodness sake. Now, you still have to pay the fine.

Man: Okay, sir.



Police: Do you know your mistake?

Apakah kamu tahu kesalahanmu?

Man: Yes, I know. I don't wear helmet while driving.

Ya, saya tahu. Saya tidak memakai helm ketika berkendara

Police: Don't you know that you must wear helmet? It's used to protect your head from danger.

Tidakkah kamu tahu bahwa kamu harus mengenakan helm? Ini digunakan untuk melindungi kepalamu dari bahaya.

Man: Yes, sir.

Ya, Pak

Police: Okay. Later you must obey the rule. It's for your goodness sake. Now, you still have to pay the fine.

Ok. Nanti kamu harus mematuhi peraturan. Ini demi kebaikanmu. Sekarang, kamu masih harus membayar denda.

Man: Okay, sir.

Oke Pak.

Dari dialog diatas, yang termasuk ungkapan obligation adalah:

•Don't you know that you must wear helmet?

•Later you must obey the rule.

•Now, you still have to pay the fine.