Make a monologue about “cheating during the tests is not good for our student”​

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Make a monologue about “cheating during the tests is not good for our student”​


Make a monologue about "cheating during the tests is not good for our student"


Buatlah monolog tentang “mencontek saat ulangan tidak baik untuk siswa kita


"You, the new student, seem smart, don't you?" mocked Indah, class president. Likewise, other friends mocked Dita as a master cheater.

"I don't cheat, really! I do it myself!" Dita objected while suppressing her fear. "Lies! The proof is, when you sat in the back, your test results were bad!" Beautiful snapped. "Y… But I don't cheat," said

Dita almost cried. "Never mind if there is a thief who wants to confess to his actions," Bambang interrupted in a mocking tone.

"Let's just say, if you really don't cheat, later if there is another test, you have to sit in the back seat over there, and prove that you too can get nine points without Jasmine!" Indah said giving a decision.


"Kamu, siswa baru, rupanya pintar, ya?" ejek Indah, ketua kelas. Begitu pula teman-teman yang lainnya mengejek Dita sebagai penyontek ulung.

"Aku tidak menyontek, sungguh! Aku mengerjakan sendiri!" Sanggah Dita sembari menekan rasa takut. "Bohong! Buktinya, waktu kamu duduk di belakang itu hasil ulanganmu jelek!" bentak Indah. "Ta… Tapi aku tidak menyontek," kata

Dita hampir menangis. "Sudahlah mana ada pencuri mau mengaku atas perbuatannya," sela Bambang dengan nada mengejek.

"Begini saja, kalau kamu memang betul-betul tidak menyontek, nanti kalau ada ulangan lagi, kamu harus duduk di kursi paling belakang sana itu, dan buktikan bahwa kamu pun bisa memperoleh nilai sembilan tanpa Melati!" ujar Indah memberi keputusan.

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