Make a short dialog about giving compliment ntar aku add deh하지만 먼저 나를 추가​

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Make a short dialog about giving compliment ntar aku add deh하지만 먼저 나를 추가​


Lara : Good morning Adi!

Adi : Hi, good morning Lara!

Lara : I heard you joined a story telling competition. How was the result?

Adi : Yes Lara. I got the first place.

Lara : Wow congratulations! I'm proud of you! You did a great job!

Adi : Thank you Lara

Lara : You're welcome


Jane: You look really beautiful today. (Kamu terlihat cantik hari ini)

Anna: Thanks. I just got this outfit from the garage sale.. (Terima kasih. Saya baru beli dari garage sale)

Jane: Really? (Serius)

Anna: I got it from my aunt’s garage sale (Aku mendapatkannya dari garage sale tanteku)

Jane: It’s really nice (Bagus sekali..)

Anna: Thanks again. Your shoes look nice too.. (Terima kasih lagi. Sepatumu juga bagus)

Jane: Thank you. I just got these from walmart.. (Terima kasih. Aku baru mendapatkannya dari wallmart)


maaf kalau salah…..