Make Expression of giving compliment according to the following situations 1. Mr.Edi And Mrs.Suzy Get Married 2.ika become a captain in the basket ball school team 3.Your Father has promoted in his job 4.Your teacher gets a baby 5.Today is Anto’s birthday Jwb plis:)

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Make Expression of giving compliment according to the following situations 1. Mr.Edi And Mrs.Suzy Get Married 2.ika become a captain in the basket ball school team 3.Your Father has promoted in his job 4.Your teacher gets a baby 5.Today is Anto’s birthday Jwb plis:)

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Giving compliment is an important English skill that needs to be mastered. Compliment can make others happy. It can also give positive impact to other people lives. Giving compliment may improve other people mood. I will show you some useful expressions that we can use to give compliment.


A compliment is something nice we say to other people about them. We can compliment other people appearance, personality, success, work, and so on. Here are some examples that you can use.

1. It looks good on you

You can use this phrase to compliment other people outfit or appearance.

2. You look great today

It's similar with the compliment number 1. You can replace 'great' with other adjective. Example: beautiful, handsome, cute, nice, amazing, fantastic.

3. What a nice shirt!

What a + adjective + noun.


– What a beautiful dress!

– What an amazing movie!

– What a nice hotel!

4. You're a good student!

You’re a(n) + [adjective] + [type of person].


– You're an amazing singer.

– You're a great teacher.

– You're a good dancer.


Here are the sample compliments for your question.

1. What a beautiful wedding! I wish both of you a happy marriage life ahead.

2. Ika is a very smart and talented basketball player. She deserves the position.

3. Congratulations, dad! You're an awesome dad!

4. She's a very cute baby! Congratulations, Ms. Tina. I wish her a healthy life.

5. Happy Birthday Anto! You've been a great friend for me, I wish you all the best!


There's no strict rule on how to make and give compliment. Compliment is a good thing so you shouldn't restrict yourself by only using the pattern that I wrote. There are a lot more examples that you can find. Some of them provided by these links. Check them out!

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Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Kategori: Giving Compliments