Make narrative text based on the story that exist in PASER(buatlah teks naratif, berdasarkan berita-berita yang ada di kabupaten Paser,kalimantan timur )

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Make narrative text based on the story that exist in PASER(buatlah teks naratif, berdasarkan berita-berita yang ada di kabupaten Paser,kalimantan timur )


English:Paser –

One patient under surveillance (PDP) of the Corona virus (COVID-19) from Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, died. The patient died while being treated at Panglima Sebaya Hospital, Paser.

.The patient is a 44 year old female. The patient had a history of other diseases, such as co morbid abdominal tumors and tuberculosis.

."Patients are entered into PDP based on the results of the examination by the medical team at Panglima Sebaya hospital, they are not included in any cluster. .the patient reportedly died and was buried with a COVID burial, "said Head of the East Kalimantan Health Service, Andi M Ishak, Tuesday (21/4/2020).

Also read: Stories of Thai Students Stuck in Samarinda because of Corona

.Meanwhile, cases of positive COVID-19 patients in East Kalimantan increased by 5. In total, to date there are 68 cases in East Kalimantan.

Three cases came from Berau District and 2 cases in Samarinda City. Patients are predominantly from the religious activity cluster in Gowa.

."All of them are currently in good condition and are undergoing serious treatment by the medical team where they are being treated," said Andi.


Paser – Satu pasien dalam pengawasan (PDP) virus Corona (COVID-19) asal Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur, meninggal dunia. Pasien tersebut meninggal dalam perawatan di Rumah Sakit Panglima Sebaya, Paser.

Pasien tersebut berjenis kelamin perempuan berusia 44 tahun. Pasien memiliki riwayat penyakit lain, seperti co morbid tumor abdomen dan TBC.

"Pasien dimasukkan PDP berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan tim medis rumah sakit Panglima Sebaya, yang bersangkutan tidak termasuk dalam klaster mana pun. Pasien dilaporkan meninggal dan dimakamkan dengan pemakaman COVID," kata Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kalimantan Timur, Andi M Ishak, Selasa (21/4/2020).

Baca juga:

Cerita Mahasiswa Asal Thailand yang Tertahan di Samarinda karena Corona

Sementara itu, kasus pasien positif COVID-19 di Kaltim bertambah 5. Total, hingga hari ini ada 68 kasus di Kaltim.

Tiga kasus berasal dari Kabupaten Berau dan 2 kasus di Kota Samarinda. Pasien didominasi dari klaster kegiatan keagamaan di Gowa.

"Seluruhnya saat ini dalam keadaan baik dan menjalani perawatan serius oleh tim medis tempat mereka dirawat," kata Andi.


sorry if wrong