Make some dialogs with these situations!

Posted on don't do english assignment,say sorry to your teacher. have promised your friend to accompany her in this afternoon to bookstore,but you borrowed a new jacket from your friend but you lost it.

Make some dialogs with these situations!

Number one 
T : Let's submit your assignment, students. 
S : Sorry miss, I forgot to bring my assignment.
T : Why you can do that?
S : I'm sorry miss, I'll submit it tomorrow.
T : Okay, well. I'll keep your promise. 
S : I'm sorry for my mistake, miss.

number four : 
A : Hey, Bonnie can you accompany me to bookstore in this afternoon? 
B : Of course, What time?
A : At 3 p.m can you?
B : Okay, I'll text you later, Ariana
A : Okay thankyou.
B : Oh sorry Ariana, I can't accompany you, today. I'm sorry
A : Why'd you canceled it? 
B : Because I've go to for tournament at 3.50 p.m 
A : Ok, goodluck.

number five 
X : Today is raining, you bring jacket?
Y : I don't bring it 🙁
X : You can't borrow my jacket, but tomorrow you must gimme back to me.
Y : Okay, thanks.

X : Hey, where's my jacket? Bcs I want to wear it. 
Y : Sorry, It's lost.
X : How? It's my new jacket and u lost it?omg
Y : I'll buy a new one for you, the same like yours.
X : I'll wait & give me if you got it
Y : I'm really sorry
X : Go buy a new one for me… 

*Sorry if I have a mistake from this dialogues*