Marni : Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us.

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Brodin : What is the film?
Marni : The Boss Baby. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it.
Brodin : How do you know that I will like the movie?
Marni : Because I have watched it two times.
Brodin : What? You’ve watched a comedy movie two times?
Marni : Yes, I have.
Brodin : So, why do you want to watch it again?
Marni : I want to watch it with you. I want to laugh with you. We haven’t gone to the cinema for ages.
Brodin : You know the reason, right? We’ve had different preference. I like comedy and you like horror.
Marni : Yes, I know it. That’s why I’ve learned to watch comedy movies. My friends and family have helped me.
Brodin : Wow…
Marni : I have bought two tickets for us. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?
Brodin : Of course, I’d love to.
Marni : Thank you, Brodin.
Brodin : I thank you. You have learned to enjoy comedy movies.
Marni : No problem. I’m happy to do it.

Write 10 sentences on the dialogue above that use Present Perfect Tense​

Marni : Let’s go to the cinema. I’ve bought two tickets for us.

1. Because I have watched it two times.

2. You've have watched a comedy movie two times?

3. Yes, I have.

4. We haven't gone to cinema for ages.

5. We've have had different preference.

6. I've have learned to watch comedy movie.

7. My friends and family have helped me.

8. I have bought two tickets for us.

9. You have learned to enjoy comedy movie.

10. Gak ada lagi. I'd love too bukan perfect tense. I'd singkatan dari I would.


1. I've bought two tickets for us

2. I have watched it two times

3. You've watched a comedy movie two times?

4. We haven't gone to the cinema for ages

5. We've had difference preference

6. I've learned to watch comedy movie

7. My friends and my family have helped me

8. I have bought two tickets for us

9. Yes, I have

10. You have learned to enjoy comedy movies


Present perfect tense. Patterns:

(+) S + Have/has + Verb3 + O

(-) S + haven't/hasn't + Verb3 + O

(?) Have/has + S + Verb3 + O ?