Nama Siswa
: XI
.No. Ujian : ………..
Although at school you don't get the special study about technology of information, we know that you
have got the common knowledge of it through the activity of your daily life. You know more about
handphone, internet, etc. than your teachers (especially the old ones) do.
Describe in your simple sentences what are (numbers 1 a, b and 2 a, b):
a. channel
b. wifi
a. WhatsApp
b. subscribe
Informed that in January 2021 you will let to study at school again. It means that students and teachers
can meet in the classrooms like before. If it is true, how do you feel?
Based on your common knowledge during the corona era, the government has asked you to do
three important do's. One of them is always to use mask. Mention two more.
During rainy season in your country like today, many bad cases can happen in the area.
Write two bad cases that are caused by heavy rain.
"Many students of level XI don't know who their English teacher is," said Miss Siti Fatheeme to her
colleagues, the same English teachers. Write the possible response(s) that said by her friends based
on the utterances of Miss Siti.
Several years ago people (especially men) were crazy about stones, valuable stones. They found
them to be made into rings. Today, what do you know about the people (especially women)?
What are they crazy about?
Answer the following questions based on your own experience. (You do no. 8, 9, 10 on the back space;
Kerjain nomor 8, 9, 10 di halaman belakang!).
Nearly half of a year you stay at home, you don't go to school. What do you do at home actually?
Today you are let to do your test at home. You bring home the test. You can consult your
dictionary. You can see your English structure book, etc. If you don't have them, where do you go
then to ask a help?
There are four English teachers at your school, SMA Negeri 1 Salapian now. One is a man. He is the most
handsome one in the world, so he cannot be compared. Three more are women. Make free degree of
comparison of adjective for the three women.
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Ingris
1. a. a way of thought or action
b. something that we use to access the internet
2. a. an application we used to chat with our friend
b. to agree, to follow
3. I would feel happy if i get the chance to go back to school which mean i will be able to meet my friends and teachers
4. social distancing and stay at home
5. flood and landslides
6. Yeah, i don't think they know who their teachers are.
7. I think people are crazy about bags right now
8. I just play my phone and do my homework
9. I can look for it in Google
10. The male teacher is more handsome than the three female teacher