Materi : Simple Present Tense

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Kelas : 7

Isi bagian yang kosong sesuai di Simple Present Tense !

1.) My brother and I ___ mount Sumbing this holiday.
2.) The students ______ not _____ the assignment, so they got D.
3.) I and my friends ____ in the library. We read some books.
4.) She ____ not work because she has the flu.
5.) My Father _____ tea every morning.
6.) She is student. She _____ at school.
7.) We ______ soccer match
8.) Gina cooks fried rice. It _____ amazing
9.) Budi always _____ on time.


Materi : Simple Present Tense

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


  1. My brother and I climb mount Sumbing this holiday.
  2. The students do not do the assignment, so they got D.
  3. I and my friends are in the library. We read some books.
  4. She does not work because she has the flu.
  5. My Father drinks tea every morning.
  6. She is student. She is at school.
  7. We play soccer match
  8. Gina cooks fried rice. It is amazing
  9. Budi always come on time.


Present Tense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan Kegiatan yg terjadi secara berulang/rutin, sehari-hari, kebiasaan dan fakta.

Rumus Present Tense

1. Verbal Sentence

➡ Kalimat yang menggunakan kata kerja (Verb)

  • (+) S + V1 (-s/es)
  • (-) s + do/does + not + V1
  • (?) Do/does + S + V1?


➡ Jika subject tunggal menggunakan V1s dan V1es berlaku di kalimat positive untuk subject tunggal

➡ Jika subject jamak menggunakan V1 saja tanpa -s/es

2. Nominal Sentence

➡ Kalimat yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja

  • (+) S + is/am/are + Complement
  • (-) S + is/am/are + not + Complement
  • (?) is/am/are + S + Complement?


➡ I + am

➡ He, She, it + is

➡ You, we, they + are


Menggunakan Verbal Sentence karena ada kata kerja (verb) di dalamnya:

1. My brother and I climb mount Sumbing this holiday.

  • Adikku dan aku mendaki gunung Sumbing liburan ini.

2. The students do not do the assignment, so they got D

  • Para siswa tidak mengerjakan tugas, sehingga mereka mendapat D.

4. She does not work because she has the flu.

  • Dia tidak bekerja karena dia terserang flu.

5. My Father drinks tea every morning.

  • Ayah saya minum teh setiap pagi.

7. We play soccer match.

  • Kami memainkan pertandingan sepak bola

8. Gina cooks fried rice. It is amazing

  • Gina memasak nasi goreng. Ini luar biasa

9. Budi always come on time

  • Budi selalu datang tepat waktu

Tapi untuk No. 3 dan 6 Menggunakan Nominal Sentence:

3. I and my friends are in the library.

  • Saya dan teman saya ada di perpustakaan.

6. She is student. She is at school.

  • Dia pelajar. Dia di sekolah.


Link Terkait

Present Tense:


  • Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
  • Materi: Present Tense
  • Level: JHS
  • Kode Soal: 5
  • Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata Kunci:

  • Verbal Sentence, Verb-1, Verb+s/es
  • Nominal Sentence, To be, is, am, are
